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Allegra Kaough
Allegra Kaough Owner at The Naked Dog

Allegra Kaough is the owner of The Naked Dog, a renowned dog training company based in Austin, Texas. With over 10 years of experience, Allegra has helped countless dog owners transform their relationships with their furry companions. By teaching clients to "speak dog" and understand dog cultural norms, Allegra enables her clients to interpret their dogs' behavior accurately and work as a cohesive team. She believes that dog training goes hand in hand with personal development, community engagement, and a spiritual framework to fulfill both human and canine needs.

Allegra's focus lies in providing simple and unexpected solutions to common dog problems, shedding light on what dogs truly need from their owners and dispelling misconceptions about dog behavior. She also emphasizes the role of dog training in developing healthy relationship skills such as boundaries, clear communication, and nervous system regulation. Through her work, Allegra aims to inspire dog owners to engage in their own inner work and become better versions of themselves. With a background in research and social media expertise, Allegra brings a holistic approach to her work, ensuring that her clients receive the best possible guidance and support.

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Full name
Allegra Kaough
Austin, Texas, United States
The Naked Dog (since 2013)
LinkedIn Connections
I opened The Naked Dog in Austin, Texas 10 years ago and have helped hundreds of dog owners by shifting how they see and interact with their dog. I teach my clients to 'speak dog' by teaching them about dog cultural norms and how we tend to misinterpret their body language. When dog owners can understand the true meaning of their dogs behavior, they can start working as a team and training becomes easy. I have also found that dog training often needs to take place hand in hand with personal development, community engagement, and a spiritual framework so we can get our human needs met in human ways. Our modern obsession with dogs shows both an over-reliance on them and a misunderstanding of them as a species that has become detrimental to both them and us. I focus on: - Simple and unexpected solutions to the common dog problems - The surprising things our dog needs from us and doesn't get - How our love is actually stressing our dogs out - The real meaning behind our dog's behavior and why we anthropomorphize them - How dog training can be a practice ground for healthy relationship skills such as boundaries, clear communication, nervous system regulation and having relationships where someone gets to be their true selves. - How our dog can inspire us to do our own inner work For more information on my work, visit my website for free dog training resources: www.thenakeddogtraining.com/free-resources
Social Media Research


University of Cape Town


The Naked Dog
Austin, Texas Area
Jan 2013 - Present

The Naked Dog offers private training sessions where we work with you one-on-one to teach effective techniques that improve your communication and help you to better understand your dog, small group classes that meet every Saturday for a month where you get real world practice implementing The Naked Dog training techniques and off-leash hiking daycare service that meets your dog’s daily need for exercise, socialization and training.
University of Texas at Austin
Research Assistant
Jan 2011 - Mar 2012