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Anusha B
Anusha B Consultant at Wellness Guru 4 You

Anusha B. is an impressive entrepreneur and consultant in the education and wellness industry, with an extensive network of 7099 LinkedIn connections. Anusha's passion for spending time with children and teaching them values led to the realization of children's bad eating habits and their effects on health. This sparked Anusha's journey towards gaining expertise in health, fitness, and nutrition, ultimately becoming a highly sought-after nutrition adviser.

Anusha's commitment to educating people about healthy and happy living, as well as achieving young and vibrant skin, has been a blessing for many clients. As a consultant at Wellness Guru 4 You, Anusha utilizes skills in healthcare management and health counseling to help clients overcome challenges related to skin issues and achieve their wellness goals. Anusha has been with Wellness Guru 4 You since April 2016, consistently making a positive impact on clients' lives and guiding them towards a healthier lifestyle.

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Full name
Anusha B
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Wellness Guru 4 You
LinkedIn Connections
I was an Entrepreneur in education industry, who was very happy spending time with children and teaching them values...Going ahead I got to know how Children are getting into bad eating habits and their effects on health...Here I started to get to know about their family food habits and their life style. Through the journey I was also able to gain expertise in the domain of health and fitness and I am able to help a lot of my clients to overcome the challenges related to Skin Issues as well. This is where I felt I should start my Journey as a Nutrition Adviser and educate people about HEALTHY AND HAPPY LIVING with awesome health and also YOUNG AND HAPPY SKIN :) Contacting me has been a blessing for many of them.
Healthcare Management Health Counseling


Wellness Guru 4 You
Bengaluru, Karnataka
Apr 2016 - Present